报录的读音 报录的意思
报录 bàolù[to send an admission notice to a participant in the imperial competitive examination] 向科举考试得中的人报告录取的喜讯
- 报
- 录
- 拼音读音:
- [bào lù]
- 汉字注音:
- ㄅㄠˋ ㄌㄨˋ
- 简繁字形:
- 報錄
- 是否常用:
- 是
报录 bàolù
[to send an admission notice to a participant in the imperial competitive examination] 向科举考试得中的人报告录取的喜讯
* 报录的读音是:bào lù,报录的意思:报录 bàolù[to send an admission notice to a participant in the imperial competitive examination] 向科举考试得中的人报告录取的喜讯
报录 bàolù
[to send an admission notice to a participant in the imperial competitive examination] 向科举考试得中的人报告录取的喜讯