芎藭的读音 芎藭的意思
芎藭 xiōngqióng[the rhizome of chuanxiong] 植物名。多年生草本,叶似芹,秋开白花,有香气。根茎皆可入药英语 chuanxiong rhizome, also named 川芎[chuan1 xiong1]
- 芎
- 藭
- 拼音读音:
- [xiōng qióng]
- 汉字注音:
- ㄒㄩㄥ ㄑㄩㄥˊ
- 简繁字形:
- 芎䓖
- 是否常用:
- 是
芎藭 xiōngqióng
[the rhizome of chuanxiong] 植物名。多年生草本,叶似芹,秋开白花,有香气。根茎皆可入药
英语 chuanxiong rhizome, also named 川芎[chuan1 xiong1]
* 芎藭的读音是:xiōng qióng,芎藭的意思:芎藭 xiōngqióng[the rhizome of chuanxiong] 植物名。多年生草本,叶似芹,秋开白花,有香气。根茎皆可入药英语 chuanxiong rhizome, also named 川芎[chuan1 xiong1]
芎藭 xiōngqióng
[the rhizome of chuanxiong] 植物名。多年生草本,叶似芹,秋开白花,有香气。根茎皆可入药
英语 chuanxiong rhizome, also named 川芎[chuan1 xiong1]