蘇軾的读音 蘇軾的意思
辞典解释苏轼 sū shì 人名。(西元1036~1101)字子瞻,宋眉州眉山人,为苏洵长子。诗、词、文、书、画均有名,为文雄浑奔放,诗亦清疏隽逸,为北派大宗。王安石倡行新法,轼上书痛陈不便,得罪安石,被连贬数州。在黄州时,筑室于东坡,自号东坡居士,后累官至端明殿侍读学士。卒谥文忠。著有《东坡集》、《东坡词》等。 英语 Su Shi (1037-1101), also known as Su Dongpo 蘇東坡|苏东坡[Su1 Dong1 po1] northern Song Dynasty writer and calligrapher, one of the Three Su father and sons 三蘇|三苏[San1 Su1] and one of the Eight Giants of Tang and Song Prose 唐宋八大家[Tang2 Song4 Ba1 Da4 jia1]德语 Su Dongpo (Eig, Pers, 1037 - 1101)法语 sushi
- 蘇
- 軾
- 拼音读音:
- [sū shì]
- 汉字注音:
- ㄙㄨ ㄕˋ
- 简繁字形:
- 苏轼
- 是否常用:
- 否
苏轼 sū shì ㄙㄨ ㄕˋ 人名。(西元1036~1101)字子瞻,宋眉州眉山人,为苏洵长子。诗、词、文、书、画均有名,为文雄浑奔放,诗亦清疏隽逸,为北派大宗。王安石倡行新法,轼上书痛陈不便,得罪安石,被连贬数州。在黄州时,筑室于东坡,自号东坡居士,后累官至端明殿侍读学士。卒谥文忠。著有《东坡集》、《东坡词》等。
英语 Su Shi (1037-1101), also known as Su Dongpo 蘇東坡|苏东坡[Su1 Dong1 po1] northern Song Dynasty writer and calligrapher, one of the Three Su father and sons 三蘇|三苏[San1 Su1] and one of the Eight Giants of Tang and Song Prose 唐宋八大家[Tang2 Song4 Ba1 Da4 jia1]
德语 Su Dongpo (Eig, Pers, 1037 - 1101)
法语 sushi
* 蘇軾的读音是:sū shì,蘇軾的意思:辞典解释苏轼 sū shì 人名。(西元1036~1101)字子瞻,宋眉州眉山人,为苏洵长子。诗、词、文、书、画均有名,为文雄浑奔放,诗亦清疏隽逸,为北派大宗。王安石倡行新法,轼上书痛陈不便,得罪安石,被连贬数州。在黄州时,筑室于东坡,自号东坡居士,后累官至端明殿侍读学士。卒谥文忠。著有《东坡集》、《东坡词》等。 英语 Su Shi (1037-1101), also known as Su Dongpo 蘇東坡|苏东坡[Su1 Dong1 po1] northern Song Dynasty writer and calligrapher, one of the Three Su father and sons 三蘇|三苏[San1 Su1] and one of the Eight Giants of Tang and Song Prose 唐宋八大家[Tang2 Song4 Ba1 Da4 jia1]德语 Su Dongpo (Eig, Pers, 1037 - 1101)法语 sushi
苏轼 sū shì ㄙㄨ ㄕˋ人名。(西元1036~1101)字子瞻,宋眉州眉山人,为苏洵长子。诗、词、文、书、画均有名,为文雄浑奔放,诗亦清疏隽逸,为北派大宗。王安石倡行新法,轼上书痛陈不便,得罪安石,被连贬数州。在黄州时,筑室于东坡,自号东坡居士,后累官至端明殿侍读学士。卒谥文忠。著有《东坡集》、《东坡词》等。
英语 Su Shi (1037-1101), also known as Su Dongpo 蘇東坡|苏东坡[Su1 Dong1 po1] northern Song Dynasty writer and calligrapher, one of the Three Su father and sons 三蘇|三苏[San1 Su1] and one of the Eight Giants of Tang and Song Prose 唐宋八大家[Tang2 Song4 Ba1 Da4 jia1]
德语 Su Dongpo (Eig, Pers, 1037 - 1101)
法语 sushi