貪瀆的读音 貪瀆的意思
辞典解释贪渎 tān dú 贪污而有亏职守。如:「为官须清廉自爱,莫做贪渎枉法的事。」也作「贪凟」。 英语 (of an official) corrupt and negligent of his duty
- 貪
- 瀆
- 拼音读音:
- [tān dú]
- 汉字注音:
- ㄊㄢ ㄉㄨˊ
- 简繁字形:
- 贪渎
- 是否常用:
- 否
贪渎 tān dú ㄊㄢ ㄉㄨˊ 贪污而有亏职守。如:「为官须清廉自爱,莫做贪渎枉法的事。」也作「贪凟」。
英语 (of an official) corrupt and negligent of his duty
* 貪瀆的读音是:tān dú,貪瀆的意思:辞典解释贪渎 tān dú 贪污而有亏职守。如:「为官须清廉自爱,莫做贪渎枉法的事。」也作「贪凟」。 英语 (of an official) corrupt and negligent of his duty
贪渎 tān dú ㄊㄢ ㄉㄨˊ贪污而有亏职守。如:「为官须清廉自爱,莫做贪渎枉法的事。」也作「贪凟」。
英语 (of an official) corrupt and negligent of his duty